
Blogging is an interesting endeavor.  On the one hand, anyone can do it…just put your ideas out for the world.  On the other, anyone can do it…put your ideas out to the world.  The key is to just doing it.

We’ve started an amazing year at my school…three weeks ago.  I went to Chicago all by myself for co-teaching training…six weeks ago.  I attended ISTE…three months ago.  You would think that I could have found some time in between to blog about these things.  We are doing a 6 Word Story in my elementary language arts group which has turned out to be way more difficult than expected.  That needs a blog post, but did that motivate me to start typing?

No.  Instead I walk past the lab and see a student looking at my static website and I’m a  little embarrassed that it is in the shape it is in. (How old is it?  My son’s pic on it is from the summer before he turned one.  He’ll be in Kindergarten next fall.)

I rave all the time about how great technology is to connect with others, yet this poor blog spins stale.  Let’s see what I can do about that *this* year.

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