#ISTE13 Take Aways

June 26, 2013

Seeing as I am creating on my phone, this will be a list of my #ISTE13 take aways.  More to come when I can get to a keyboard since I am sooo Old School like that.

1.  I know what I am doing with edtech.
2.  I have plenty more to learn.
3.  That is a good place to be as an educator.
4.  I have things to offer others, therefore…
…I will do at least one project with my students via ePals this school year.
…I will do a short term project with Australian and/or Coasta Rican students this school year.
…I will help organize an #edtech for Kenai by June 2015.
…I will answer ‘yes’ to the setsig and epicyen ISTE special interest groups.
…I will rejoin ASTE.
…I will blog more.
5.  I will help my students own their learning and work hard at what it takes to ‘level up’ because that is how they will learn.

Thank you, ISTE13.  You weren’t the game changer for me that ASTE11 was but I know now that you are the team I want to be a part of as we play the same game.

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June 21, 2013

I’m 40 hours from attending the International Society for Technology in Education’s annual conference in San Antonio.  I’m attending courtesy of the school district’s professional development grant and the loving support of my family as I couldn’t attend with kids in tow. 

As much as I love technology, I am going to be completely outclassed.  I will be challenged and my brain is going to hurt.  I know this because I’ve attended the Alaska version of this conference and it was amazing. This is a video I made reflecting on that conference:


ISTE is going to be ASTE on steroids, I’m sure.


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